Conducting System-wide Assessments
We believe that organizations should be designed to include all people. We help employers to eliminate barriers related to Ontario Human Rights Code grounds like race, sex, disability, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or creed. We review systems to ensure they do not create physical, attitudinal or systemic barriers in employment. We do this by conducting system-wide assessments of organizations’ policies, procedures, programs, and practices, and making recommendations for improvement to achieve equity.
We know that a one-size fits all approach to organizational change will not work and so we take an individualized approach to systemic change. We also provide support for individual needs of historically marginalized and disenfranchised groups within the workplace.
Partnering in Transformation
In addition to partnering with senior leaders within organizations, we will partner with academics, auditors, investigators, lawyers, mental health professionals, human resources professionals, accessibility experts, social workers and community groups to aid in organizational transformation or to conduct arms-length reviews of workplace systems where appropriate.