Taking a break

I've taken a break from posting so much and doing all the things. Do you miss me?

Truth is I don't feel creative.

Truth is I'm not inspired.

Truth is I'm tired.

I'm behind the scenes, working on client matters and not feeling the need to educate on this platform, or anywhere for that matter.

I'm not writing blog posts.

I'm not repurposing old content.

I'm barely liking and commenting on posts.

I'm not posting or recording my weekly videos. They are coming out haphazardly and not on the schedule I set.

Not sure when I will feel inspired again.

LinkedIn might take away my creator status.

I may not generate new leads, but I'm good.

I'm not apologizing. Just explaining.

I'm just taking care of my mental health and recognizing that I need a break.

I will burnout if I keep going and begin to hate what I do.

and I love what I do.

I help employers make workplaces more diverse, inclusive and safe.

That requires so much creativity. So I'm conserving it for my clients for the time being and enjoying the summer.


What is the fear really about?


The Anne Frank House