Season’s Greetings From ATE


Since launching All Things Equitable in September, it has been a whirlwind of opportunities. I admit I really wasn’t sure what to expect when I first began this journey — running a business for the first time, tackling systemic racism and inequities in the workplace, becoming an active voice in the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

But what I believed is that in beginning to affect change in a meaningful way, good things would surely happen in the coming months.

As the holiday season is upon us, and we look back at 2020, it is difficult to ignore the hardships people have faced as a result of COVID-19. Many people lost their jobs or were forced to pivot to something new; organizations had to adjust to remote workplaces; childcare has added strain to working parents. But I wanted to take a moment to commend on those corporations that are supporting their Black employees and thank those that have made my journey possible, such as it is to date.

I feel particularly blessed with those people who chose to be a part of my #WhiteandWokeAtWork video series, tackling systemic racism and people’s journey towards self-realization and activism. Those who chose to be a part of this conversation showed great fortitude and bravery in coming forward to dialogue with me, and I celebrate their inspiring stories. A special thank you to my marketing firm Hobé Hosokawa Marketing for all their hard work, making my professional brand, and this series, come to life online.

I’ve been very fortunate over the past few months to have participated in several collaborations, of which I thought I’d mention a few. 

I was excited to present to the PGA of Canada and help their staff with“Understanding Microaggressions”. Through this, the PGA team felt that I had helped to push their diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda forward by generating in-depth discussion around this important subject matter.

I have been developing anti-Black racism learning modules for The York Catholic District School Board. These modules will be rolled out in three phases in the coming months.

I’m also so grateful to be one of more than 60 women “speaking” in Theresa M. Robinson’s new book Blaxhaustion, Karens & Other Threats to Black Lives and Well-Being, which launches December 22nd.

Finally, I was able to reconnect with old colleagues and friends like Richard Webster, Julie Smith, Erin Reynolds, and Tami Hynes, as well as meeting so many new ones over Zoom and similar video conferencing solutions. I’ve been so fortunate to chat with people from across the globe, making real friends from all walks of life!  

Looking forward to 2021, I will be collaborating with Maryann Kerr of the Medalist Group and co-authoring a chapter in her new book Get Sticky (working title) which will address the issue of high turnover in the social profit sector. The book will speak to kinder, more collaborative, and inclusive organizations and workplaces.  I am honored to lend my experience in the equity and inclusion space to a chapter looking at how to make “All Things Equitable.”

I’m also collaborating with Artis Solutions and the Channer Group to bring DIVAH Workforce Training (Diversity, Inclusion, Violence and Harassment) to organizations. It will include provincial, federal, and international updates to violence and harassment legislation in Canada.

And I’m looking forward to founding a new company with a few partners including the O.G. Arabian Prince co-founder of the legendary rap group N.W.A. to bring artificial intelligence to the diversity, equity, and inclusion arena globally.

There are so many more collaborations I could name, people who had the faith that I could make organizations better.  A big thank you to all those partners and clients who have worked with me to date.  I look forward to our continued collaboration in the New Year and long into the future. I am eager to continue connecting with inspiring minds, and people who are passionate about affecting societal change. I look forward to future collaborations and projects yet realized.

I truly hope that you have a happy and safe holidays, and can take a moment to reflect on your own achievements, however great or small, that you made this past year. 

I wish you and your loved ones the very best.

This holiday season, if you are thinking of making a donation please consider:

Ethical Initiatives — a non-profit that supports emerging, socially-minded initiatives and enterprises. Their current project, SWAG BAGS, is an initiative designed to help low-income women meet their basic needs through the provision of personal care items provided within a useful and reusable carry tote. Find out more at

Or you might consider:

Diversity Kidz Toy & Book Drive — They accept diverse toy and book donations online and at select locations. Donations that celebrate diversity in a positive way and items that encourage counter stereotypes are encouraged. Find out about Diversity Kidz here:

Thanks to Our Clients!

Thanks to Our Partners!

About Janelle Benjamin: Janelle Benjamin, B.A., J.D., is the Founder & Chief Equity Officer of All Things Equitable Inc. addressing systemic change for equity-seeking groups in the workplace. Learn more about Janelle.


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“White & Woke at Work” A YouTube Series That Tackles Anti-Black Racism Head On.